Flymo Lawaker (scarifier) Compact 3400 Push Reel

The is a very good lawn rake which I have had for a few years and is in good working order. There are a few missing tines however. I did have some spares somewhere and these will be included if I can find them. The lawn of my new house does not have a miss problem so it s now surplus to requirements. Other details are as follows: This electric lawn rake has six raking heights, which can be adjusted using a single lever. These heights can vary from -5mm to + 8mm, which allows the electric rake to scratch below the surface of the lawn, to +8mm above the lawn. The LawnRake has a 34 litre collection box with a Vision Window so you can see when the box is full. Power: 750wWeight: 12.3kg.Cable length: 12 metres Collection only from Isleworth, West London. Cash payment only please. PayPal does not offer seller protection for collected items so I will not be accepting that as a form of payment.

Categories: Flymo