Countax/westwood Ride On Mower – Hydrostatic – 38inch Ibs Deck – Sweeper/box.

COUNTAX/WESTWOOD S1300 HYDROSTATIC RIDE ON MOWER WITH 38INCH IBS DECK, 300 LITRE COLLECTOR. A compact mower for the smaller garden.. up to half an acre. This is basically a Countax mower with a Westwood bonnet, fenders, and dashboard. The Countax deck has been and painted both beneath, and externally. The cutter blades are near new. The Countax sweeper has been stripped down and painted. Brush segments and bearings are satisfactory. The tractor is in good order, tyres, engine and hydrostatic transmission, all good. There is a tow hitch, and working headlights. SCROLL DOWN TO SEE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, AND CONTACT DETAILS. You may view and try the machine here at Copplestone, in mid Devon. Any questions phone 01363 84 305 or email us. A three month warranty is supplied with this machine, as well as a users manual, and a receipt for payment. DELIVERY CAN BE ARRANGED. PAYMENT BY BANK TRANSFER, CASH OR CLEARED CHEQUE. PAYPAL IS VERY EXPENSIVE FOR US.

Categories: Westwood